By M D Nalapat
Despite much talk of "universal" values, to this day the West has
adopted separate scales for judging its own behavior towards the Muslim
community and the treatment of non-Muslims in countries that are as
overwhelmingly Muslim as the UK, France or Germany are Christian.
Without exception, minorities who are not of European origin in such
countries are subjected to practices different from those applied to the
Muslim majority. In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, for instance,
compensation paid to a Muslim male is double that given to a non-Muslim
male, with women of course getting far less than their male
counterparts. Even in Malaysia, where only a little over half the
population is Muslim, food items not regarded by the Ulema (clergy) are
banned from shop shelves, while in several countries, there is a ban on
the following of any other than the prescribed dress code, or on
consuming alcohol. Of course, such restraints exist mostly on paper, as
in the privacy of their homes or safe zones, deportment and consumption
of items are little different from that witnessed in those parts of
London or Paris where Muslim (or more accurately, Wahhabi) influence is
negligible. The reality is that the Wahhabi fringe controls policy in
the Muslim world because of its directness and potency, in much the same
way as the Bolshevik Party took over the reins of authority in Moscow
after the fall of the Czar or how Khomeinists shunted aside the much
greater number of moderates in monopolizing control of the government
once Shah Reza Pahlavi abdicated in Iran. It is the subsequent tolerance
of such practices, including within parts of West European cities, that
has led inexorably to the hold of ultra-Wahhabism in a growing number
of minds there. Because the "tolerance bar" towards exclusionary and
religious supremacist practices is so absurdly high in the Western
world, the bar for attraction towards the pseudo-theology of the Islamic
State in particular is low enough to ensure a steady flow of recruits
into its ranks.
Appeasement was a disaster in the case of the original Hitler and it is equally harmful when applied to Wahhabis and their practices. It is the appeasers and not those who oppose them who are responsible for the spread of ISIS and its consequences across the globe.
The "wink and nod" given by the West towards Wahhabi practices in
several Muslim majority countries have the effect of creating a
perception in numerous minds resident in Europe and in North America
that such practices must be kosher, else would not the western countries
oppose rather than ignore them? If countries that openly practice
exclusion and discrimination based on faith are nevertheless the objects
of fawning attention by Washington, London, Paris and Berlin, in
susceptible minds, it must follow that deep down such capitals
acknowledge the validity and indeed justice of such practices,
especially when they are in a position to do something about it but so
conspicuously decline to do so. Partly as a consequence of such
"tolerance of the incorrect" by western policymakers and their
societies, the Muslim community has thus far been unable to build up the
head of steam needed to challenge the twin pseudo-theologies of
Wahhabism and Khomeinism. In a grotesque inversion of the truth,
freshman diplomats in the US and the EU are taught that Wahhabism is the
"purest" form of Islam. This is the exact reverse of the truth, for
Islam as revealed in the Holy Quran repeatedly emphasizes the divine
virtues to be compassion, mercy and beneficence. In other words, the
opposite of Wahhabi or Khomeinist theology. Of course, "purity" becomes
the fig leaf covering up the moral degradation involved in accepting as
normal the practices followed in Wahabbized societies. Were those
implementing such practices in their homes and in their countries to
face the contempt and obloquy they deserve, the resulting example would
not only have brought forward the day when Islam will be cleansed of the
influence of Wahhabism and Khomeinism, but the magnetic pull of such
ideologies as expressed in terroristic acts would be substantially
reduced. Instead, it is those who point to the incompatibility between
Wahhabism and civilized conduct that are regarded within much of the
western world itself as "extreme". A characterization that feeds oxygen
into the recruitment cells of ISIS each time it gets made. Of course,
the conventional wisdom is that it is those who appease Wahhabism that
are holding at bay the attraction of this ideological force, while those
pointing out the actual nature of such pseudo-theologies are accused of
"creating the atmosphere for ISIS to grow". Political correctness, what
crimes get committed as a consequence of your aftershocks!
The morphing of ultra-Wahhabi theology into the ISIS variant has
increased both its attraction as well as its toxicity significantly from
the Al Qaeda strain. While Al Qaeda has knowledge or at the least
acceptance of a rough and ready form of theology as a pre-condition for
joining, the "theology" of ISIS is even thinner. Indeed, the
organization resembles the NSDAP, the party forged by Adolf Hitler to
lay waste much of Europe during 1939-45. The attractiveness of the NSDAP
to millions lay in the simplicity of its message: by merely joining the
party and becoming party to its misdeeds, what would otherwise pass as
barbarity would be typecast as the summit of civilization. Not only
would rape, murder and theft on an industrial scale not be morally
reprehensible, they would count as the very essence of desirable civic
conduct. Small wonder that such liberation from the constraints of
civilisation, especially in dealing with those labelled as sub human,
proved to be so attractive to so many. Hitler would never have been able
to succeed in his atrocities without the willing participation of
millions of previously ordinary Germans. In like fashion, the attraction
of the ISIS Caliphate proclaimed by Abubakr Al Baghdadi in 2014 was
that entry into its territory and membership of the organisation open
the door for the practice of slavery and its attendant "freedoms",
including untrammeled rights over the bodies and properties of those
classified as sub human (i.e. those not subscribing to the ultra-Wahhabi
theology of Al Baghdadi's movement). That this Hitler imitator still
controls vast swathes of territory three years after grabbing control of
them has acted as an effective recruitment tool. ISIS should have been
bombed out of existence in the lands occupied by it in the manner
promised but not yet delivered of Donald Trump, and the confusion and
disunity within those against ISIS (who fight each other with far more
ferocity than either does ISIS) that has led to the territorial survival
of the ISIS Caliphate has led to an increase in the potency of its
recruitment messages that may have caused recent terror attacks in
Brussels, Paris and London.
The impotence of NATO to eliminate ISIS from the territory it still
controls in Iraq and Syria. The simpering tolerance of vile
discrimination in countries that are placed in the "Allies" box. The
incompetence of the US and allied militaries in eliminating that ragtag
band of thugs in Afghanistan who style themselves as the Taliban. The
refusal to bring to account those who have over the past four years
supplied cash and weapons to ISIS. Appeasement was a disaster in the
case of the original Hitler and it is equally harmful when applied to
Wahhabis and their practices. It is the appeasers and not those who
oppose them who are responsible for the spread of ISIS and its
consequences across the globe.
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