MANIPAL, India, Nov. 11 (UPI) -- After
World War I, the great powers imposed a peace on Germany that led to a fresh
conflagration just two decades later, one far more virulent in its scope and
effects. The coming military campaign against Iraq promises to be a duck shoot,
given that country's eviscerated war machine. However, unless equal attention
is paid to the "chemistry" of the campaign -- its "mind"
factor -- as well as its "mechanics" -- the straightforward military
aspects -- the very victory over Iraq may create the conditions for an
intensification of the terror war against secular democracies.
This would affect the strategic interests
of the democracies worldwide. To paraphrase a phrase from the 1992 Clinton
campaign," It's the Mind, Stupid!" Defeating the Iraqi armed forces
and toppling Saddam Hussein
needs to be complemented by the creation of an atmosphere within the Muslim
world that accepts such a success to be in their interests as well.
In other words, the strategy against
Saddam needs to be a fusion of mechanics and chemistry .While the first deals
with field mechanics and hardware, the second concentrates on the atmospherics
and the psychological effects of such actions.
Islamic radicals have attempted to
overcome their deficiencies in the "mechanical" with emphasis on the
"chemical" in their war against modern civilization. This strategy
has thus far been neglected by Western military planners.
In Afghanistan, it was not the
air-dropping of peanut butter but the entry of fellow-Afghans into the battle
against the Taliban that dried up support for that regime. In a similar way,
there needs to be very visible -- and voluble -- Iraqi faces in the campaign
against Saddam alongside President George W Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair.
At present, most of the war planning appears to revolve around the machinery of conflict: aircraft, missiles and other weapons. Paradoxically, in many cases "victory" in such combat only creates the mental infrastructure that nourishes the enemy with new recruits and zeal, as the Israel Defense Forces are realizing in their battle against the second Palestinian intifada.
At present, most of the war planning appears to revolve around the machinery of conflict: aircraft, missiles and other weapons. Paradoxically, in many cases "victory" in such combat only creates the mental infrastructure that nourishes the enemy with new recruits and zeal, as the Israel Defense Forces are realizing in their battle against the second Palestinian intifada.
This near-exclusive reliance on
"mechanical" means towards a solution of the problem of regime change
in Iraq runs the risk of sharply increasing support for Saddam within the
billion-strong Muslim world. The man himself has skillfully worn the cloak both
of Arab nationalism as well as Islamic piety. His apologists claim the
Bush-Blair rhetoric is driven by greed for the tens of billions of dollars that
a normalized flow of Iraqi oil will
fetch in the market, and that he is being
punished for his "anti-Zionist" stance.
Hence the resonance within the Muslim
world of his cry that he is the victim, not the aggressor. Hence the fear that
his defeat and overthrow may generate a chain reaction within that world that
may pit it against the West in ways not conducive to future stability anywhere.
Just as Mullah Omar, the ousted
Taliban ruler of Afghanistan wore a cloak said to have come from the time of
the Prophet Muhammad,
Saddam is symbolically wrapping his personalized ambitions in the ideology of
the 12th century Kurdish Islamic conqueror Saladin. He is claiming to be the
modern defender of Islam against an invading and antithetical civilization.
Unless this disguise is stripped from him, the danger of a Muslim backlash from
a war against Iraq is high.
Afghanistan has shown the need for
ideological preparation before launching a military operation, what may be
described as attention to the "mind" factor. Thus far, both Bush and
Blair have been repeating the threat posed by the regime in Iraq to their own
countries and allies in Europe.
It may come as a surprise to them, but
the protection of the United States, Britain and other European countries from
acts of terror such as even the launch of chemical or biological warheads may
not be a great concern within the Muslim world.
Indeed, given the decibel level of
anti-Western rhetoric and "analysis" appearing in almost all the local-language media
in Muslim-majority countries, many may regard such an assault as justified
retribution for presumed crimes against the "Ummah" -- the world
brotherhood of Islam.
As the Israeli security services can testify,
there are already several thousand youths in the West Bank and Gaza who regard
the killing of Jews as a holy duty for the Faithful rather than terrorism. This
principle could also win many adherents in a more generalized conflict against
the West.
Today, the "face" behind the
planned invasion of Iraq is perceived in the Muslim world as being Christian,
Jewish and white, in the form of Bush, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and Blair.
Just as the Northern Alliance was -- after an inexplicable delay of nearly a
month -- finally given primacy in the war against the Taliban, a new Iraqi
National Government needs to take center stage in any public discussion of
future plans for regime change in Baghdad. Muslims -- especially Arabs -- need
to feel reassured that their own people, their own faith, will play the
keystone role in toppling Saddam.
However, amazingly, as yet the names of
the leading opponents of the Iraqi dictatorship are unknown to television
audiences anywhere, in an age when television forms mental attitudes towards
There definitely exists an alliance of
Iraqis against Saddam Hussein, composed of individuals who have been resisting
him for years. These genuine nationalists need to be given top billing. Indeed,
the effort should be to ensure that the bulk of the Iraqi regime -- including
the army -- turns on Saddam in the initial days of a U.S.-British strike. This
will occur only if the contours of the post-Saddam Iraq are made clear. The
world outside the United States and Britain need to be reassured that the Iraqi
people, rather than London and Washington, will control their own destiny.
Just as the Northern Alliance was -- or
is -- hardly pro-West, those Iraqis that are moved into the limelight
pre-attack need to be those not regarded as "poodles" of the West.
Indeed, they need to condemn not just Saddam but the regime of sanctions that
has eviscerated the population of that hapless country that Saddam has -- or
may soon get - weapons of mass destruction is not a matter for concern in the
Muslim world as it is in the Western.
Were he to be regarded as being close to
nuclear capability that would be a reason for admiration rather than revulsion.
Instead of concentrating on the threat posed by the instruments supposedly
available to the man, much more coverage needs to be given to the persona and
actions of the man.
The shopping sprees of his family, the
importing of bacon-chewing blondes from Europe to satisfy the lusts of Saddam
and his sons, Uday and Qusay, the scale of his palaces and the extent of his
cruelties, all these "trivia" would provide a much stronger
justification for action within the Ummah, were they to be skillfully brought
out, than any remuneration of missiles that may have survived the weapons
Too little has yet come out on the deeds
of the despot. His deeds against fellow-Muslims, against fellow-Arabs, and
against fellow-Iraqis need to be brought back into focus rather than just
warnings about "weapons of mass destruction" that are in fact a
source of pride rather than fear to millions of inhabitants in the Middle East.
It is unfortunate that a Europe-obsessed
Secretary of State Colin Powell
has given almost all his attention to the "white" countries, with the
exception of China, and this only thanks to its Permanent Member status in the
U.N. Security Council.
India and Indonesia, the countries with
the largest Muslim populations in the world, have been largely ignored in the
U.S.-British diplomatic dance over Iraq, while attention has been given to
Canada and Australia, two countries whose influence on Muslim opinion is not
generally regarded as substantial.
The Iraq conflict is not a European war
as Kosovo was, it is a war fought in Asia against Asians who are also Muslims.
This dictates a diplomatic strategy very different from that which has thus far
been followed by the Bush administration, which has concentrated on changing
the mind of Europe.
The chemistry of Asia -- a continent just
decades escaped from European colonialism -- is very different from that of the
United States or the countries of the European Union.
The war against Iraq should not ignite
anti-American and anti-European passions in Asia the way the East Timor
operation did in Indonesia. If it does, there will be a serious retardation of
the progress in both economics and science that the continent has witnessed
from the 1960s onward. And the wider consequences will be very serious for the
entire world.
Diplomacy involving those countries with
significant Muslim populations, and by associating the Iraqi resistance
fighters in the frontline of media attention, is therefore crucial, as is the
need to expose the fallacy of Saddam's claims to represent the civilization of
the proud people he has dominated for two decades.
Again, it needs to be repeated that the
priorities of the Arab "street" are very different from those of the
citizens of Munich or Chicago, and the reasons given for launching an attack
need to include arguments that carry resonance not only with western but also
Arab -- and in general Asian -- populations to prevent a civilizational
cleavage post-war could bring to life some of Samuel Huntingdon's worst
apprehensions about "The Clash of Civilizations."
After the partial destruction of Saddam's
military infrastructure, both the opposition Iraqi National Army as well as
Allied forces need to go in to mop up remnants and extricate Saddam for a trial
that should be held in Baghdad alone. The man is an enemy mainly to his own
people, and it is they who should be given the right both to actively
participate in his downfall and to ensure punishment for all that he has done
against them.
There should not be a repetition of the
folly of The International Court of Justice in The Hague that is making former
Yugoslav President Slobodan
Milosevic a hero once again among his people. Above all, there must
not be any repetition of the catastrophe of the 1919 Versailles Peace Treaty,
which created the conditions for Hitler to triumph in Germany 14 years later.
-- M.D. Nalapat is UNESCO Peace Chair and
Director of the School of Geopolitics at the Manipal Academy of Higher
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